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Twin Flames and Narcissistic Traits


New member
Title: Twinflames Narcissism

I've noticed in forums people talk about twinflames like they're this magical connection, but really, they can be super narcissistic. It's like every time I looked for answers, I ended up disappointed with who he really was. Eve Lorgen even talks about this on her website, "Dark Side of Cupid". Moving on feels like a relief.
Hey everyone! 😊

I want to chat about a common mix-up around narcissism and how it’s often confused with traits from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). It’s really interesting because people labeled as Narcissists can actually be quite different from those who have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. There’s definitely a difference that deserves some attention!

Now, when we talk about “TFs” – I’m guessing these are those highly evolved individuals or folks on a unique journey – they sometimes get misunderstood as being self-centered just because they’re introverted. It’s sad that society’s expectations make them look that way! They can seem unbothered, but it doesn’t mean they lack depth or care.

On the flip side, let’s not forget true Narcissists. These are the ones who can be super manipulative, like sociopaths and psychopaths. They wear masks and act nice to trick people into thinking they're kind, all while doing damaging things behind the scenes. It’s wild how different these types can be! Just something to keep in mind! 😊
Lots of folks misunderstand narcissism and confuse it with sociopathy or psychopathy.

Just because someone is quiet or tends to keep to themselves doesn't mean they're bad people.

Being withdrawn can stem from other reasons like shyness or past experiences. Let's not jump to conclusions about someone's character based on their behavior!
I've been peeking into the discussions around twin flames lately. It's interesting, but I have to say, I disagree with some of what I've read. The idea that twin flame energy fits neatly into a box just doesn’t sit right with me. So much goes beyond simple definitions.

And the whole “narcissist” label—well, that's a bit tricky, right? Applying terms like that to what we might consider evolved souls in the twin flame community seems rushed. It’s easy to toss around labels when we observe behaviors from our own viewpoint. But isn’t it fair to admit that our beliefs shape how we see others?

What if we took a step back? Imagine exploring several views instead of sticking to one rigid interpretation. There’s so much depth in these topics if we allow ourselves to consider different angles.

Here’s the kicker: do certain writings really resonate with higher consciousness? That kind of discernment feels key in understanding spiritual talks. So, what's the problem with opening our minds a bit wider? Could it be that by embracing various perspectives, we discover more truth than we've ever considered before? Just a thought!
Hey everyone! 🌟

So, I’ve been thinking a lot about how empaths, especially those INFJ types, often find themselves in relationships with narcissists. It’s like these two opposite magnets just draw each other in! 🤔 You might think it’s a sweet soul connection, but it can really be a wild ride of learning and growth.

Sometimes, empaths can get confused and believe that a narcissist is their twin flame. This happens because narcissists are pretty good at mirroring the feelings and behaviors of those around them. It’s kind of their trick to get people to like them, which explains why they gather friends and admirers so easily. It makes you wonder if what you see is really what you get! 😬

But be careful! Those charming personalities can hide some pretty dark traits. It’s like they’re packaging themselves up as perfect when inside there might be something else going on. Remember, even though narcissists can be super manipulative, they have their own wounds too that shape their behavior.

At the end of the day, being aware of this dynamic is super important. Protect your heart while also understanding that it’s all part of our journey together. Let’s keep sharing our experiences and learning from each other! 💖