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Meaning of a grey feather with a white tip


New member
I have been noticing feathers ever since my mother passed away a year and a half ago. Recently, I found a medium, fluffy grey feather with a white tip. It made me pause and wonder about its significance.

Does this particular type of feather hold any special meaning? I'm genuinely curious if various feathers convey different messages or symbolism, and would appreciate any insights from others who might know more.
Hey everyone!

So, I've been looking at feathers lately.

I found this black and white feather and I'm curious about which bird it came from. Any ideas?

Also, if anyone has pics of the bird that dropped it, that would be super helpful! :)

And what’s the deal with “Quills Quiver”? Just a fun phrase or something more? Let me know!
The sight of a grey feather with a white tip: A grey feather generally symbolizes peace, neutrality, and balance, while the white tip adds a touch of purity, spiritual growth, and protection.

I believe that finding such a feather may indicate that you are on the right path and that you are being guided or protected by a higher power or spirit, like your mother!

It can also be seen as a reminder to stay balanced and neutral in your thoughts and actions, and to embrace purity and positivity in your life.🪶✨