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Can we choose not to reincarnate as humans?


New member
Title: Do We Have a Choice NOT to Come Back Human?

There's this wild thought about reincarnation, right? I mean, do we have any say in coming back as non-human stuff? Like, ever wondered if you could return as a tree or even a rock? Or maybe you wanna be an animal or perhaps an alien? Haha, I have information on that aspect! It’s kinda fun to think about, isn't it? Like the universe is just one big mystery with options.
Reincarnation serves as a journey of learning for every living being. Each life offers valuable experiences that contribute to our spiritual growth and wisdom.

As we learn, we grow, moving forward in our understanding and awareness. Just like riding a bike, once you know how to do it, the knowledge stays with you.

This continuous learning process allows us to evolve spiritually and intellectually. It's important to note that humans cannot regress to lower life forms; instead, we are always moving ahead on this beautiful path.

Embracing this idea can bring peace, knowing that each experience contributes to our progress in life.
Do you think we have the power to become anything that aligns with our personal growth, regardless of time or location? I truly believe it.

Wishing you peace and love,
Isn’t it fascinating to think about reincarnation? 🌟 This whole idea of coming back and having to relearn stuff makes you realize how much we grow and change. Each life feels like an opportunity to figure things out, right?

It does make you wonder about our past actions and how they impact others. 😬 The idea that we might return in different forms, even as a tree or something, really emphasizes our connection to everything around us!

We’re all full of energy, and it’s interesting to think about how we exist differently from non-living things like rocks. What do you guys think? 😊
In reflecting on the journey of the Soul, I resonate with the view that once we have experienced life as humans, we cannot revert to a lower form of existence. Each of us possesses an individual Soul, which allows for unique growth and learning experiences that are distinct from those of lower life forms such as plants or minerals, which share a collective Soul.

It appears that these group Souls can ascend through their experiences until they ultimately reach a point where they evolve into individual Souls. This suggests a continual movement towards higher states of existence rather than regression. I find it intriguing how different species vibrate at varying frequencies, creating a clear distinction that makes reincarnation into forms like plants or rocks improbable.

Additionally, it’s important to note that higher beings—such as angels and elementals—are not subject to the cycle of reincarnation in the same way. They serve a purpose but do not inhabit physical bodies like we do.

This understanding is shaped by my personal journey and reflections, and I wonder if this perspective resonates with others as well. If you find this information insightful or have further questions, I am here to help!
Life's journey often feels like a chance to finish what we started. Sometimes, I think about all those moments we wish we could redo.

Wouldn’t it be great to come back and ace those lessons? But the idea of being reborn as something non-human seems less appealing. How would that help us grow? Just some thoughts! 😊
Has anyone really talked about this before?

It seems pretty clear that we can't just decide to come back as a 'lesser' form after we've grown into our own. Some folks daydream about being animals, rocks, or trees, but let’s be real—that's not how it works!

Life doesn’t rewind; it only moves forward. Those fantasies we have about going back? They’re just in our heads! We need to face the facts and embrace what we become instead of wishing for a return that won’t happen. 😕
Hey everyone!

So, I’ve been thinking about this whole idea of coming back as a human after experiencing different forms. Isn’t it wild to imagine? Like, if we can come back as something else first, what does that really mean for us? 🐶

And what about all those new breeds and species popping up? It makes you wonder if we actually need to learn from every single one! It feels like it could be a bit too simple to think we have to experience everything before being human. What do you all think? Is there more to it? 😊
Hey everyone!

Isn’t it interesting how we learn? We get so much from our own experiences, but guess what? We can also pick up a ton from our "soul group"—the people around us! 😊

Not every single soul has to experience everything to level up spiritually. I mean, we don’t all have to travel to Australia just to know it exists, right? And we definitely don’t need to see the earth’s shape for ourselves.

Sometimes, secondhand knowledge is just as good! What do you think? 😊